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Hinduism as an Industry
For votes politicians will go that extra mile
It is often ‘friends’ who will blackmail you
New Immigrant Issue
Are you New to Ontario?Are you looking for information for yourself or to help someone new to Ontario? Are you providing settlement services to a newcomer? Visit Settlement.Org for Newcomers for: Finding a Job resources Sponsorship ESL Housing Health and much more …
Issues faced by Youth
Young Professionals International (YPI) provides young people with a first, paid, career-related international experience through work placements abroad. (for Canadian citizens and permanent residents).
Issues faced by Senior
Senior Citizens Information: The Ontario Government offers a wide range of programs and services for senior citizens. We can help you plan with information and resources for your retirement, finances, leisure activities and health care resources. We can also help you live with more independence. Telehealth Ontario is a…
Issues Faced By Women
The Canadian Women’s Health Network is a Network of individuals, groups, organizations and institutions concerned with women’s health. The CWHN recognizes the importance of information sharing, education and advocacy for women’s health and equality.